26: CityDAO Testimony to the Wyoming State Blockchain Committee // Scott Fitsimones
Welcome back, this is your host @memebrains and today is a very different CityDAO podcast episode because CityDAO just provided an official testimony to the Wyoming blockchain committee in an annual committee meeting. This is relevant to every CityDAO citizen since this is representing the voice of the community in an official legislative capacity. This is about bridging the gap between the decentralized online world and the real world. The gap between Web3 and the ‘real world’ shrinks every time people step up to open communication streams. Check out the CityDAO Testimony to the Wyoming State Blockchain Committee with @scott, @memebrains, @chris et al.
Time-Stamped Show Notes:
- 1:44 Memebrains encourages everyone to check out the previous CityDAO episode with Senator Rothfuss because it is very much relevant to this discussion.
- 2:57 Blockchain select committee in Wyoming invites Scott and Eric to start their presentation.
- 3:49 Scott starts his introduction by saying that the Wyoming DAO law was the inspiration to kickstart CityDAO.
- 4:21 Eric or memebrains introduces himself to the committee as a citizen of CityDAO.
- 5:33 The grand mission of CityDAO, according to Scott, is to create the city of the future. Scott discusses the history of CityDAO and what it is all about.
- 8:45 Scott emphasizes the advantages of the DAO law in building CityDAO.
- 10:10 The committee wants to know if CityDAO has already reached out to their parcel neighbors and other people in the Wyoming community.
- 11:40 Once the land parcel neighbors heard about the story of CityDAO, their fear and uncertainty were erased.
- 12:47 The committee poses another important question for Scott involving land parcel neighbors who don’t have any idea about DAOs.
- 13:15 One of the land parcel neighbors called Scott because he wanted to know what CityDAO is.
- 14:29 Another question for Scott regarding how to become a citizen of CityDAO.
- 14:48 There are two options on how someone can become a CityDAO citizen.
- 15:38 Buying the next piece of land or Parcel One is the next step for CityDAO.
- 16:18 The committee wants to know if there are some challenges that CityDAO has experienced with the Wyoming legislation.
- 18:02 For the new members, Memebrains recommends checking out the CityDAO Discord channel.
Key Points from the Interview:
- “The grand mission of CityDAO is to build the city of the future. I think, the thing that seems really inspiring to us is, what if you could have all city services, land registries, deeds, titles, all just on-chain, decentralized transparent taxation all on-chain. I think that’s the really inspiring mission.”
- “We are looking to buy our next piece of land, hopefully. We saw Parcel Zero as this experiment to test blockchain governance and now we’re looking for Parcel One, which I think is, maybe it’s a bigger space that has some houses, it’s more of like a ranch, it could be a house, it could be the site where we incorporate our future city.”
Resources Mentioned:
- Select Committee on Blockchain, Financial Technology and Digital Innovation Tech., June 15, 2022 (from 37:09 to 54:38 for CityDAO Testimony)
- CityDAO Discord